cellml_services::ModelTransformationService Interface Reference

cellml_services::ModelTransformationService Interface Reference

This is the base interface for CellML services which transform models from one form to another. More...

Public Member Functions

cellml_api::Model transformModel (in cellml_api::Model m) raises (cellml_api::CellMLException)
 Performs a transformation of a model from one form to another.

Detailed Description

This is the base interface for CellML services which transform models from one form to another.

For example, a ModelTransformationService which flattens a CellML 1.1 model into a CellML 1.0 model according to some set of rules could be defined in this form, as could a method for re-arranging mathematics into another form.

Definition at line 38 of file CellML_Services.idl.

Member Function Documentation

cellml_api::Model cellml_services::ModelTransformationService::transformModel ( in cellml_api::Model  m) raises (cellml_api::CellMLException)

Performs a transformation of a model from one form to another.

mThe input model to transform. This model shall not be modified in any way by the transformation.
The model, with the transformations applied. CellMLException If the input model cannot be transformed.