SRuS Namespace Reference

SRuS Namespace Reference

The SRuS, or SED-ML Running Service, provides services for running SED-ML models. More...


exception  SRuSException
interface  SEDMLProcessor
 This interface represents the SEDMLProcessor. More...
interface  TransformedModel
 A TransformedModel is the outcome of processing a model in accordance with the instructions found in a SED-ML description. More...
interface  TransformedModelSet
 A set of models which have been transformed according to the instructions in a SED-ML description. More...
interface  GeneratedDataMonitor
 GeneratedDataMonitor is a 'callback' interface implemented by the application to receive updates as more generated data becomes available. More...
interface  GeneratedData
 GeneratedData describes the output of a single DataGenerator. More...
interface  GeneratedDataSet
 Describes a set of outputs, generated by a set of DataGenerators. More...
interface  Bootstrap
 The Bootstrap object provides a starting point from which implementations of all the other required interfaces can be obtained (directly or indirectly). More...

Detailed Description

The SRuS, or SED-ML Running Service, provides services for running SED-ML models.