cellml_services::CodeInformation Interface Reference

cellml_services::CodeInformation Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for cellml_services::CodeInformation:
Collaboration diagram for cellml_services::CodeInformation:

Public Member Functions

ComputationTargetIterator iterateTargets ()
 Iterates through all computation targets.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XPCOM::IObject
void add_ref ()
 Called to indicate that some code is keeping an owning reference to the object.
oneway void release_ref ()
 Removes a reference to an object which was created by some other means (e.g.
IObject query_interface (in utf8string id)
 Returns an IObject of the same implementation, which supports a specific interface.

Public Attributes

readonly attribute wstring errorMessage
 The error message, in the event that something is wrong with the model.
readonly attribute
 The constraint level, describing whether or not the model is correctly constrained.
readonly attribute unsigned long algebraicIndexCount
 The number of variables which were assigned indices in the algebraic variables array.
readonly attribute unsigned long rateIndexCount
 The number of variables which were assigned indices into the rates and state variables array.
readonly attribute unsigned long constantIndexCount
 The number of variables which were assigned indices into the constants array.
readonly attribute wstring initConstsString
 There are three types of code strings that can be obtained, each for a different purpose.
readonly attribute wstring ratesString
 The rates string, as described in the table above.
readonly attribute wstring variablesString
 The variables string, as described in the table above.
readonly attribute wstring functionsString
 A string containing any supplementary code which is needed to be used out-of-line by the above strings.
readonly attribute
 The list of flagged equations.
- Public Attributes inherited from XPCOM::IObject
readonly attribute string objid
 Fetches the ID of the object.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 153 of file CCGS.idl.

Member Function Documentation

ComputationTargetIterator cellml_services::CodeInformation::iterateTargets ( )

Iterates through all computation targets.

Member Data Documentation

readonly attribute unsigned long cellml_services::CodeInformation::algebraicIndexCount

The number of variables which were assigned indices in the algebraic variables array.

This counts a single CellML variable multiple times if extra variables are inserted due to higher order derivatives.

Definition at line 175 of file CCGS.idl.

readonly attribute unsigned long cellml_services::CodeInformation::constantIndexCount

The number of variables which were assigned indices into the constants array.

Definition at line 188 of file CCGS.idl.

readonly attribute ModelConstraintLevel cellml_services::CodeInformation::constraintLevel

The constraint level, describing whether or not the model is correctly constrained.

Note that improperly constrained models result in constraintLevel being set, rather than setting an errorMessage.

Definition at line 168 of file CCGS.idl.

readonly attribute wstring cellml_services::CodeInformation::errorMessage

The error message, in the event that something is wrong with the model.

If this is set, code should not use further operations or attributes on this object.

Definition at line 161 of file CCGS.idl.

readonly attribute mathml_dom::MathMLNodeList cellml_services::CodeInformation::flaggedEquations

The list of flagged equations.

Which equations are flagged depends on the outcome in constraintLevel. See the documentation on ModelConstraintLevel for more information.

Definition at line 268 of file CCGS.idl.

readonly attribute wstring cellml_services::CodeInformation::functionsString

A string containing any supplementary code which is needed to be used out-of-line by the above strings.

Whether or not supplementary code is used, and exactly what it means depends on the MAL file used with MaLaES, and the options set on the CodeGenerator. Typically, for C, it is used to define extra functions that are passed as arguments to functions being called from expressions.

Definition at line 256 of file CCGS.idl.

readonly attribute wstring cellml_services::CodeInformation::initConstsString

There are three types of code strings that can be obtained, each for a different purpose.

Note that as variables are computed, they are added into 'Known variables'. Definitions: State variable: A variable of which the first or higher derivative is taken. VOI or Variable of Integration: A variable with respect to which the model is being integrated. +----——+--------------——+-----------——+--------——+------------——+ | String | Targeted Variables |Possibly computed| Known | Purpose | | | | variables | Variables | | +----——+--------------——+-----------——+--------——+------------——+ |initConsts|All variables which | Any variable | None |Setting up | | |aren't state | or rate | |constants and | | |variables but have | except VOIs & | |values computed | | |an initial_value | state variables| |from them. | | |attribute, and any | | |Also sets up | | |variables & rates | | |samples of uncerta| | |which follow. | | |in values. | +----——+--------------——+-----------——+--------——+------------——+ | rates |All rates which are |Any variable or |Everything set|Efficiently | | |not static. |rate |above, VOIs, |computing rates | | | | |& state |for the ODE solver| | | | |variables | | +----——+--------------——+-----------——+--------——+------------——+ |variables |All variables not |Any variable |Everything set|Computing the | | |computed above | |above, VOIs, |remaining | | | | |and state |variables. | | | | |variables | | +----——+--------------——+-----------——+--------——+------------——+

Note that some rates also have corresponding higher order entries in the state variables array. These rates are copied from the state variables array into the rates array at the beginning of the rates string, and may be relied upon in the rates string. e.g. INDEX | 0 | 1 | 2 | STATES | x | dx/dt | d^2x/dt2 | RATES | dx/dt | d^2x/dt2 | d^3x/dt3 | RATES[1] is copied from STATES[2], and RATES[0] is copied from STATES[1]. The initConsts string, as described in the table above.

Definition at line 236 of file CCGS.idl.

readonly attribute unsigned long cellml_services::CodeInformation::rateIndexCount

The number of variables which were assigned indices into the rates and state variables array.

This counts a single CellML variable multiple times if extra rates are inserted due to higher order derivatives.

Definition at line 182 of file CCGS.idl.

readonly attribute wstring cellml_services::CodeInformation::ratesString

The rates string, as described in the table above.

Definition at line 241 of file CCGS.idl.

readonly attribute wstring cellml_services::CodeInformation::variablesString

The variables string, as described in the table above.

Definition at line 246 of file CCGS.idl.