cellml_api::ImportComponent Interface Reference

cellml_api::ImportComponent Interface Reference

This interface represents a component element inside an import element. More...

Inheritance diagram for cellml_api::ImportComponent:
Collaboration diagram for cellml_api::ImportComponent:

Public Attributes

attribute CellMLAttributeString componentRef
 The name of the component referenced by this import component.
- Public Attributes inherited from cellml_api::CellMLComponent
readonly attribute
 The set of all variables defined in this component.
readonly attribute UnitsSet units
 The set of all units defined in this component.
readonly attribute ConnectionSet connections
 The set of all connections which involve this component.
readonly attribute CellMLComponent encapsulationParent
 The component which, in the encapsulation hierarchy defined in this model, encapsulates this component.
readonly attribute
 The set of all children of this component in the encapsulation hierarchy.
readonly attribute CellMLComponent containmentParent
 The containment parent for this component.
readonly attribute
 The containment children for this component.
readonly attribute ReactionSet reactions
 A set of all reaction elements contained within this component.
readonly attribute unsigned long importNumber
 Gets the 'import number' in which this component is contained.
- Public Attributes inherited from cellml_api::NamedCellMLElement
attribute CellMLAttributeString name
 The name associated with this CellML element.
- Public Attributes inherited from cellml_api::CellMLElement
readonly attribute
 The CellML version that this element corresponds to.
attribute CellMLAttributeString cmetaId
 This element's cmeta id (which may be defined on any CellML element).
readonly attribute
 The collection of extension elements associated with this CellML element.
readonly attribute CellMLElementSet childElements
 Get a list of all the child CellMLElements in this element.
readonly attribute CellMLElement parentElement
 The parent element of this element...
readonly attribute Model modelElement
 The underlying model element.
readonly attribute
 Fetches the set of all extension attributes, which can be used to iterate through the extension attributes.
- Public Attributes inherited from XPCOM::IObject
readonly attribute string objid
 Fetches the ID of the object.
- Public Attributes inherited from cellml_api::MathContainer
readonly attribute MathList math
 The set of all math defined here.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from cellml_api::CellMLElement
void insertExtensionElementAfter (in ExtensionElement marker, in ExtensionElement newEl)
 Insert an element into the collection of extension elements without disturbing the order of the existing elements.
void appendExtensionElement (in ExtensionElement x)
 Equivalent to insertExtensionElementAfter(last extension element, x).
void prependExtensionElement (in ExtensionElement x)
 Equivalent to insertExtensionElementAfter(nil, x)
void removeExtensionElement (in ExtensionElement x)
 Remove an extension element.
void replaceExtensionElement (in ExtensionElement x, in ExtensionElement y)
 Find an extension element, and if it is found, replace it with another element.
void clearExtensionElements ()
 Remove all extension elements from this element.
void addElement (in CellMLElement x) raises (CellMLException)
 Add a CellML element to this element.
void removeElement (in CellMLElement x)
 Removes a CellML element from this element.
void replaceElement (in CellMLElement x, in CellMLElement y) raises (CellMLException)
 Removes a CellML element from this element, and replaces it with another CellML element.
void removeByName (in CellMLAttributeString type, in CellMLAttributeString name)
 Remove a CellML element by name, or do nothing if that element is not found.
void setUserData (in wstring key, in UserData data)
 Sets user-supplied annotations on this element.
UserData getUserData (in wstring key) raises (CellMLException)
 Retrieves user-supplied annotations previously set on this element.
CellMLElement clone (in boolean deep)
 Clones a CellMLElement, and optionally all children.
wstring getExtensionAttributeNS (in wstring ns, in wstring localName)
 Fetches an extension attribute.
void setExtensionAttributeNS (in wstring ns, in wstring qualifiedName, in wstring value)
 Sets an extension attribute (adding it if it doesn't already exist, otherwise replacing it).
void removeExtensionAttributeNS (in wstring ns, in wstring localName)
 Removes an extension attribute.
- Public Member Functions inherited from cellml_api::MathContainer
void addMath (in MathMLElement x) raises (CellMLException)
 Add an element to this collection.
void removeMath (in MathMLElement x) raises (CellMLException)
 Remove an element from this collection.
void replaceMath (in MathMLElement x, in MathMLElement y)
 Find an element in this collection, and if it is found, replace it with another element.
void clearMath ()
 Remove all elements in this collection.

Detailed Description

This interface represents a component element inside an import element.

If the import has not yet been instantiated, then accessing many of the attributes from the CellMLComponent interface, available here by inheritance, will raise a CellMLException. The attributes name, parentElement, and modelElement are safe to access.

Definition at line 883 of file CellML_APISPEC.idl.

Member Data Documentation

attribute CellMLAttributeString cellml_api::ImportComponent::componentRef

The name of the component referenced by this import component.

Definition at line 889 of file CellML_APISPEC.idl.