cellml_api::ModelLoader Interface Reference

cellml_api::ModelLoader Interface Reference

An interface for loading a CellML model by URL. More...

Inheritance diagram for cellml_api::ModelLoader:
Collaboration diagram for cellml_api::ModelLoader:

Public Member Functions

Model loadFromURL (in dom::DOMString URL) raises (CellMLException)
 Loads a model from the given URL, using the local URL loader.
void asyncLoadFromURL (in dom::DOMString URL, in ModelLoadedListener listener)
 Loads a model from the given URL asynchronously, using the local URL loader.
Model createFromText (in dom::DOMString xmlText) raises (CellMLException)
 Loads a model from a serialised XML document.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XPCOM::IObject
void add_ref ()
 Called to indicate that some code is keeping an owning reference to the object.
oneway void release_ref ()
 Removes a reference to an object which was created by some other means (e.g.
IObject query_interface (in utf8string id)
 Returns an IObject of the same implementation, which supports a specific interface.

Public Attributes

readonly attribute dom::DOMString lastErrorMessage
 An error message describing the cause of the last CellMLException.
- Public Attributes inherited from XPCOM::IObject
readonly attribute string objid
 Fetches the ID of the object.

Detailed Description

An interface for loading a CellML model by URL.

Definition at line 1994 of file CellML_APISPEC.idl.

Member Function Documentation

void cellml_api::ModelLoader::asyncLoadFromURL ( in dom::DOMString  URL,
in ModelLoadedListener  listener 

Loads a model from the given URL asynchronously, using the local URL loader.

Note that this operation may be unavailable (or restricted to certain URLs) due to security restrictions on some remotely hosted model loaders. Applications should be aware that the loadCompleted operation on listener may be called prior to the return on this operation.

URLThe URL from which to load the model.
listenerA ModelLoadedListener to inform when loading completes. CellMLException if the model cannot be loaded.
Model cellml_api::ModelLoader::createFromText ( in dom::DOMString  xmlText) raises (CellMLException)

Loads a model from a serialised XML document.

xmlTextA complete XML document, serialised into text.
The loaded CellML model.
CellMLExceptionif the XML cannot be parsed into a model.
Model cellml_api::ModelLoader::loadFromURL ( in dom::DOMString  URL) raises (CellMLException)

Loads a model from the given URL, using the local URL loader.

Note that this operation may be unavailable (or restricted to certain URLs) due to security restrictions on some remotely hosted model loaders.

URLThe URL from which to load the model.
The loaded CellML model. CellMLException if the model cannot be loaded.

Member Data Documentation

readonly attribute dom::DOMString cellml_api::ModelLoader::lastErrorMessage

An error message describing the cause of the last CellMLException.

The error message is formatted code/param1/param2/.../paramn Valid error codes are... noperm (The user does not have permission to load URLs of this kind). badurl (The URL was malformed). servererror/info A server error occurred. Info is an optional, method specific parameter, and for HTTP it should be the server error number. badxml/line/column/msg The XML was malformed. Line an column give the location in the file at which the error occurred. msg is the message from the processor stating what is wrong. notcellml The model did not have a cellml:model document element in either the CellML 1.0 or CellML 1.1 namespace.

Definition at line 2045 of file CellML_APISPEC.idl.