Getting Started with the API Implementation (read this first)

Getting Started with the API Implementation (read this first)

Stable releases and Mercurial versions

API releases can be downloaded from here under 'Stable Releases'. You can download both source code and SDK binaries.

Another option is to use the latest bleeding edge version of the API. You can obtain this from Mercurial: hg clone You can keep this up-to-date with new changes, by changing into the cellml-api directory and running: hg pull -u Note that bleeding edge versions may have problems which stop them from compiling or working correctly. You can check the status of the compilation and automated tests on different platforms here.

Binaries (SDK packages) for Linux (x86 and AMD64), Windows (32 bit MSVC10 and MingW), and Mac OS X (PowerPC, x86, and x86_64 universal binaries) are built every night (at 11 PM New Zealand time) on days where there have been changes to source code. Nightly builds can be found here under the version of the API currently being worked towards. Note: old nightlies are not guaranteed to be hosted forever, so please do not publish links to specific binaries; instead either host the binary elsewhere, or link to a stable release.

The SDK is packaged in a way that is specific to the platform you are on; tar.bz2 for Linux platforms, .dmg on Mac OS X, and a self-extracting executable on Windows.