Public Member Functions |
Node | iterateNext () raises (XPathException, dom::DOMException) |
Node | snapshotItem (in unsigned long index) raises (XPathException) |
void | add_ref () |
| Called to indicate that some code is keeping an owning reference to the object.
oneway void | release_ref () |
| Removes a reference to an object which was created by some other means (e.g.
IObject | query_interface (in utf8string id) |
| Returns an IObject of the same implementation, which supports a specific interface.
Detailed Description
Definition at line 64 of file xpath.idl.
Member Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::ANY_TYPE = 0 |
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 8 |
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::BOOLEAN_TYPE = 3 |
readonly attribute boolean xpath::XPathResult::booleanValue |
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 9 |
readonly attribute boolean xpath::XPathResult::invalidIteratorState |
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::NUMBER_TYPE = 1 |
readonly attribute double xpath::XPathResult::numberValue |
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE = 5 |
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE = 7 |
readonly attribute unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::resultType |
readonly attribute Node xpath::XPathResult::singleNodeValue |
readonly attribute unsigned long xpath::XPathResult::snapshotLength |
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::STRING_TYPE = 2 |
readonly attribute DOMString xpath::XPathResult::stringValue |
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE = 4 |
const unsigned short xpath::XPathResult::UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE = 6 |