mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement Interface Reference

mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement:
Collaboration diagram for mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement:

Public Attributes

attribute dom::DOMString type
attribute unsigned long nargs
attribute dom::DOMString occurrence
attribute dom::DOMString definitionURL
attribute dom::DOMString encoding
attribute MathMLCiElement identifier
attribute MathMLElement constructor

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from dom::Element
DOMString getAttribute (in DOMString name)
void setAttribute (in DOMString name, in DOMString value) raises (DOMException)
void removeAttribute (in DOMString name) raises (DOMException)
Attr getAttributeNode (in DOMString name)
Attr setAttributeNode (in Attr newAttr) raises (DOMException)
Attr removeAttributeNode (in Attr oldAttr) raises (DOMException)
NodeList getElementsByTagName (in DOMString name)
DOMString getAttributeNS (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName)
void setAttributeNS (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedName, in DOMString value) raises (DOMException)
void removeAttributeNS (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName) raises (DOMException)
Attr getAttributeNodeNS (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName)
Attr setAttributeNodeNS (in Attr newAttr) raises (DOMException)
NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName)
boolean hasAttribute (in DOMString name)
boolean hasAttributeNS (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 226 of file MathML_content_APISPEC.idl.

Member Data Documentation

attribute MathMLElement mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement::constructor

Definition at line 234 of file MathML_content_APISPEC.idl.

attribute dom::DOMString mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement::definitionURL

Definition at line 231 of file MathML_content_APISPEC.idl.

attribute dom::DOMString mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement::encoding

Definition at line 232 of file MathML_content_APISPEC.idl.

attribute MathMLCiElement mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement::identifier

Definition at line 233 of file MathML_content_APISPEC.idl.

attribute unsigned long mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement::nargs

Definition at line 229 of file MathML_content_APISPEC.idl.

attribute dom::DOMString mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement::occurrence

Definition at line 230 of file MathML_content_APISPEC.idl.

attribute dom::DOMString mathml_dom::MathMLDeclareElement::type

Definition at line 228 of file MathML_content_APISPEC.idl.