Namespace List

Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
oNcellml_apiThis module contains a description of the CellML Application Programming Interface in the language-neutral IDL form
oNcellml_contextA module for various CellML Services
oNcellml_eventsThe CellML Events module is an optional extension which may be supported by implementations of the CellML API
oNcellml_servicesA module for various CellML Services
oNCGRSThe CellML Generics and Reflection Service (CGRS) provides a way to access all operations and attributes on CellML API components using completely generic facilities with dynamic typing
oNdomDocument Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification
oNeventsDocument Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Events Specification
oNmathml_domDocument Object Model for (content) MathML
oNrdf_apiThis module contains a description of an Application Programming Interface for RDF in the language-neutral IDL form
oNSProSThe SProS, or SEDML Processing Service, provides services for parsing SEDML descriptions, and retrieving all the associated information from it
oNSRuSThe SRuS, or SED-ML Running Service, provides services for running SED-ML models
\NXPCOMThe XPCOM module represents core infrastructure shared by XPCOM in Mozilla and the base of all objects CORBA-side