Namespace List

Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
oNcellml_apiThis module contains a description of the CellML Application Programming Interface in the language-neutral IDL form
oNcellml_contextThis module contains a description of code which ties together all of the CellML code into an environment that tools can integrate into
oNcellml_eventsThe CellML Events module is an optional extension which may be supported by implementations of the CellML API
oNcellml_servicesAnnoTools provide supplementary annotation services to users of the CellML API, built on top of the user data facilities in the core API
oNCGRSThe CellML Generics and Reflection Service (CGRS) provides a way to access all operations and attributes on CellML API components using completely generic facilities with dynamic typing
oNdomDocument Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification
oNeventsDocument Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Events Specification
oNmathml_domDocument Object Model for (content) MathML
oNrdf_apiThis module contains a description of an Application Programming Interface for RDF in the language-neutral IDL form
oNSProSThe SProS, or SEDML Processing Service, provides services for parsing SEDML descriptions, and retrieving all the associated information from it
oNSRuSThe SRuS, or SED-ML Running Service, provides services for running SED-ML models
\NXPCOMThe XPCOM module represents core infrastructure shared by XPCOM in Mozilla and the base of all objects CORBA-side